Convert Timezone

The timestamp returned in OpenWeatherMap API is the time of the user's local system time.

Here are the steps to convert it to the query location's time:

  1. Convert user's local timestamp to UTC timestamp

    import time
    '''convert user's local timestamp to UTC timestamp'''
    def get_location_timestamp():
     timestamp = data['dt']
     offset = time.altzone    #Get the offset of user's local DST timezone:
     utc_timestamp = timestamp + offset
     return utc_timestamp
  2. Get the location's latitude, longtitude from OpenWeatherMap API

    location = '{:f}, {:f}'.format(coord['lat'], coord['lon'])
  3. Access Google Timezone API, pass the location's latitude, longtitude, and the UTC timestamp, get the offset of query location's DST timezone{latitude, longtitude}&timestamp={timestamp}&&language=zh-CN&key={key}
    "dstOffset" : 0,
    "rawOffset" : 28800,
    "status" : "OK",
    "timeZoneId" : "Asia/Shanghai",
    "timeZoneName" : "中国标准时间"
  4. Calculate the location's timestamp
location_timestamp = utc_timestamp + dstOffset + rawOffset

Get Weekday

from datetime import datetime
import calendar

dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
weekday = calendar.day_name[dt.weekday()]
weekday_abbr = calendar.day_abbr[dt.weekday()]

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